‘Menú pilares’

We are excited to offer our ‘Menú Pilares 2023’, in food service, on the 12th and 13th of October at two exceptional locations: Tajo Bajo and La Flor de Lis.
On this special occasion, we want to provide a unique gastronomic experience, for locals and visitors alike, that celebrates the tradition of the Pilar festivities and to ensure we offer the best possible experience, we will be serving by reservation only so you can make your reservation now by calling our phone numbers or through our websites (see the information at the bottom of this post).
We look forward to celebrating with all of you these festive days!

The menu consists of:


  • Chilindrón chicken croquette.

Starters to share

  • Beef jerky with Patamulo cheese and truffled oil.
  • Fried artichokes with ham and bacon cream.
  • Creamy rice with sausage, boletus and foie.

Main course of choice

  • Ternasco beef ingot with muscatel and truffle sauce.
  • Cod with chirigol and black olive aioli.
  • Premium veal rib roasted at low temperature with roasted potatoes.


  • Mudejar rose

Reservations Tajo Bajo:

Web: www.restaurantetajobajo.com 

Phone: 976 29 59 64

Reservations La Flor de Lis:

Web: www.restaurantelaflordelis.com  

Phone: 876 00 72 16


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